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If you like best seller Hygenic Thera-band Flexbar - Light, Red. You should Buy Hygenic Thera-band Flexbar with lowest prices from our Best Deals Associated. You will get Best buy Hygenic Thera-band Flexbar Best Deals from merchants stores
Here are some of the great features of Hygenic Thera-band Flexbar - Light, Red
Hygenic Thera-band Flexbar, Non-Surgical, Research Proven Solution for Tennis Elbow Relief Plus Improve Hand, Arm, and Shoulder Strength Millions of people want to get a grip on the best ways to improve hand, arm and shoulder strength. Millions more are dealing with painful tennis elbow and struggling to find a lasting, non-surgical solution. Many older adults want independence in daily living. They need the Thera-Band¨ FlexBar¨, one of our most popular products and now seen by over 30 million people in ReaderÕs Digest, USA Today, and The New York Times. These national publications shared the findings of a study for a breakthrough strength training exercise using the Thera-Band FlexBar. In the study, the patient group suffering from Tennis Elbow that used the Tyler Twist exercise (shown at left and under the ÒExercisesÓ and ÒVideoÓ tabs) in their treatment plan reported an 81% improvement in elbow pain and a 72% improvement in strength, while the control group showed little or no improvement. The Thera-Band FlexBar is great for athletes, musicians, painters, gardeners, kayakers, rock climbers, and others! Consumers, patients, and professionals are seeing the value and efficacy of the FlexBar¨, a lightweight, easy to grip, portable resistance exerciser for rehabilitating and strengthening hands, wrists, forearms, shoulders and elbows. Each bar is 12 inches long, with resistance levels that increase with each of four available color-coded diameters.
- ?Flexible, durable resistance device with a ridged surface for enhanced grip during use
- ?Used to improve grip strength and upper extremity stabilization by bending, twisting or oscillation movement
- ?Research-proven effective for tennis elbow
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